How to keep your sanity during a move

Moving is stressful and overwhelming, especially if you are not properly prepared. However, with a little bit of organization and preparation, you can make your move a lot easier and less overwhelming. Here are some tips I had to learn the hard way, but ended up keeping my sanity during our last big move.

Organize and declutter *before* the move

One of the first steps in making your move easier is to declutter your home. Moving is the perfect opportunity to get rid of items that you no longer need or use. This not only makes the moving process easier but also gives you the chance to start fresh in your new home. Start by going room by room and removing items that you no longer need. You can sell, donate, or simply throw away these items. This will help you avoid moving unnecessary items and make the packing process a lot smoother.

  • Decluttering can save you money.
    • When you move, you are charged based on the weight of your belongings and the amount of space they occupy in the moving truck. By getting rid of items that you no longer need or use, you can save on the cost of your move. Additionally, you won’t have to worry about paying to move items that you won’t even use in your new home.
  • It can help you make the transition smoother.
    • When you move, you have to go through all of your belongings and determine what to keep, what to donate, and what to throw away. This can be a daunting task, but by getting rid of items that you don’t need, you’ll be able to focus on the things that are truly important to you. Additionally, you’ll be able to make the most of your new space by ensuring that it’s organized from the start.
  • It can make the packing process easier.
    • When you have fewer items, you’ll have less to pack and fewer boxes to deal with. This will make the packing process faster, and you’ll be able to stay organized and on top of your move. Additionally, by getting rid of items that you no longer need, you’ll be able to save time and energy, which will make the move easier.
  • It can also help you create a fresh start.
    • Moving to a new home can be an exciting opportunity to start fresh and create a new beginning. By decluttering and organizing your life beforehand, you can ensure that you’re taking only what you need and want with you, and that you’re leaving behind the items and memories that no longer serve you.

Organize and label the moving boxes

Labeling your boxes is a crucial step in making your move easier. This will help you keep track of what is in each box and where it should go in your new home. You can label your boxes based on the room they belong in, such as “Kitchen,” “Bedroom,” or “Bathroom.” You can also include a detailed list of the contents of each box, such as “Kitchen – dishes, glasses, and silverware.” This will help you keep track of your items and make the unpacking process much smoother.

Unpack Systematically

Once you have arrived at your new home, it is important to unpack systematically. This means unpacking room by room, starting with the most important rooms first. For example, you may want to start with the kitchen so that you can start cooking and preparing meals. Then, you can move on to the bedrooms so that you can get settled in and start unpacking your clothing and

Enlist Help

This is a stressful, overwhelming time so it is helpful to enlist the help of friends or family members, or better yet – hiring a professional moving company.

That’s where JC Movers and Lumper Service Inc comes into play. Not only do they help with packing your items and moving them to your new location but they also offer disassembly and reassembly furniture to help move them safely and with minimal damage. Having extra hands to help with the packing and unpacking process can make a huge difference in reducing stress and making the move a lot easier.

Image: JC Movers and Lumper Service Inc

Lastly, take care of yourself.

Finally, it is important to take care of yourself during the moving process. This means getting enough rest, eating well, and staying hydrated.

And don’t worry if takes you a while to make your new home livable, and your kitchen or living room is filled with boxes for a while. After all, you can always have an outdoor or backyard picnic.

We want to show appreciation to MoversBoost. MoversBoost blogs about moving tips for relocation companies looking to market a new moving business.

About Nene with Flair

Nene with Flair is a lifestyle blog about living life styled with flair. It is about the little things that add excitement and make your experiences more memorable. It is also about entertaining, traveling, living, and being your best. Head over to each category for inspiration and real tips, or click the below links to drop me a line, or get to know me.

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